사회공헌 목록

Disaster Relief
Supply Free Remote Solutions for SMEs
In August 2020, most SMEs and venture firms were unable to shift to remote work despite the second COVID-19 wave in Korea. In response, RSupport decided to provide additional remote solutions such as RemoteMeeting, RemoteView, and RemoteCall to SMEs and venture firms for free, as it did in January. RSupport will continue to make various efforts for the mutual benefit of SMEs.

Disaster Relief
Help Recover Heavy Rain-Induced Kumamoto Prefecture
As record-breaking heavy rains caused enormous damage in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan's southern section, in 2020, RSupport donated to support schools and provided its solutions for free to educational institutions in the region for a limited period for students. As a global pioneer, RSupport plans to make efforts in every way to realize greater value for humanity.