콘텐츠 바로가기 메뉴 바로가기 하단정보 바로가기

We Are Committed To Take Responsibility of Our Duties


In charge of clearly identifying the requirements of public institutions to propose and supply optimal solution products.


  • Understand the nature of public sector and the procurement process
  • Communicate well : Meeting with public agencies to understand their needs
  • Prepare a proposal : Organize the contents, estimate the cost of project and negotiate the contract terms
  • Execute the project : Provide the right solutions that meet the requirements, perform inspections, tests, and maintenance after delivery
  • Marketing and sales activities : Attend events and seminars for promotion, manage relationships with customers, and develop activities to reflect budgets in advance
  • Customer Support : Provide assistance with products and troubleshoot customer issues, upgrade and cross-sell solutions
  • Manage contracts and collections : Create and manage contracts, process collections

IR알서포트 투자 실적 정보 받기

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